What is the most important question to answer in an IP dispute?

While recent IP cases in the news have focused on ownership rights, from Prince’s last EP to the copyright to Abbott and Costello’s iconic “Who’s on First” routine, or a particular Khloe Kardashian photo, the real question of importance, for Spinal Tap (and your client) is, “Who gets the money at the end of the day?”

This is where Asterion can be of assistance. When you need to determine damages in IP disputes, consider contacting our experienced economic consultants.

Trends We’re Watching

Tax reform

The administration’s proposals point to the re-emergence of the Laffer curve and a first look at the impact.

On the Lighter Side: What’s in your food?

From salt that might be addicting to unexpected foreign objects, do you know what you’re eating?

The Thread Recommends: Considering whether juries need statistics training and discovering what it would be like to live without a language for numbers.


Spotlight on IP Damages and Economic Consulting

Asterion, Inc. (“Asterion”) has extensive experience providing expert and consulting advice related to the financial and economic issues of evaluating intellectual property (“IP”).

May 2, 2017